Admission Assistance

What are the requirements for admission?

  1. Application & Fee: Submit an application and non-refundable fee ($35 for regular applicants, $75 for international).
  2. Proof of Florida Residency (if applicable): Provide documents to qualify for in-state tuition.
  3. Transcripts: Submit high school, GED, or college transcripts.
  4. Placement Testing (if needed): SAT, ACT, PERT, or Accuplacer scores may be required. (Non-US citizens must provide original immigration documentation or proof of citizenship)
  5. New Student Orientation (NSO): Complete NSO part 1 (mandatory) and part 2 (online). Register via your BC account.
  6. Tax Information: Required if applying for financial aid.
  7. Go to Registration, then register for the correct NSU NSO (part 1) session. Search for ORT0025 for the correct campus and register for the appropriate time and day that works for you. Student success coaches will email you with instructions to access the virtual AR session.
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