Residency FAQs

Q. How do I check my residency status?

A. myBC Home Page: Hyperlinks have been added to provide clear directions to the student to find out their Residency Status per term.(Image of my Financial Summary in myBC showing link to view residency)

Students Approved for Florida Residency will be able to see a message by term of their Residency Status.

(Image of Tuition & Fees page in myBC showing residency status)

Students that have not been approved or have not applied for Florida Residency will be able to see the message below. There are direct links in the form of hyperlinks to the forms that are notated on the screen to submit the Florida Residency Form. Please note this will show with the code number 3 on RG MT MT and/or an AF Hold.

(Image of Tuition & Fees page in myBC showing non-residency status)

Q. Why am I being charged out-of-state tuition?
A. Any student having issues with residency requirements will need to present proof of residency. Submit the documents through the link to the form found here: https://www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/residency.html. You must be logged into BC One Access in order to access the form.A list of acceptable documents at https://www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/residency.html is valid for all degree and non-degree seeking students. It is valid for current students who wish to reclassify from non-Florida resident status to Florida resident status. It is also valid for readmission students.

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