FAFSA & Verification FAQs

Q. I am an orphan, ward of the court, emancipated minor or in a legal guardianship. What do I need to do for my financial aid?
A. If you indicated on your FAFSA that you are independent due to being an orphan, ward of the court, emancipated minor or in a legal guardianship, you may be asked to provide documentation of your status. You should review your myBC (Financial Aid Status) which instructs you on what is needed to complete this process. The requirements are displayed as ‘Red Flags’. The ‘Document Details‘ button will provide an explanation of what you are to do in each case. If you are unsure, please visit a local Financial Aid Office for assistance.

For assistance with resolving red flags, please see our “How to resolve red flags video“.


Q. What is your school code for FAFSA?
A. Our school code for the FAFSA is: 001500.

You MUST use the school code 001500The campus that will show up is Downtown Center. If you use any other campus, Broward College will not be able to retrieve the FAFSA. If you have completed the FAFSA, but we have not received it, please make sure you used the correct campus; you must check your FAFSA to confirm. If it is ANY other campus, then Broward College will not receive the FAFSA.

Q. How do I get a copy of my IRS tax transcript?
A. To request a copy of your IRS Tax Transcript, follow the steps outlined on the IRS website: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript.

However, if you are selected for verification, and you are unable to obtain a tax transcript from the IRS website, and if you have proof that you cannot obtain a tax transcript, Broward College will accept the IRS Paper 1040 tax return copy. Please note that to accept the copy the form must be signed. If unsigned, the filer (or at least one of the filers of a joint return) must sign it or the tax preparer must give a name and SSN, EIN, or PTIN.

Q. Do I have to wait until I am admitted before I apply for financial aid?
A. Students do not have to be fully admitted in order to complete FAFSA. However, a financial aid offer will not be made until you have been fully admitted into a degree-seeking or eligible certificate program. Therefore, it is strongly recommended you begin the admissions process as soon as possible to ensure both are processed in a timely manner. If you have not completed an application for admission, please visit www.broward.edu/admissions.

Q. Have you received my FAFSA?
A. If you received a confirmation when the FAFSA was submitted, and Broward College’s Federal School Code (001500) was listed, the information should be with the college, so please check your myBC for any Red Flags which may need to be resolved.

  • To ensure processing of your FAFSA: make sure your SSN (Social Security Number) is correct on your FAFSA and your Broward records.

You can check the status of your submission, rather than call the school, at studentaid.gov.

Q. Do I have to apply for financial aid every year and what are the priority dates?
A. Students must apply for financial aid each year by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) beginning October 1st at studentaid.gov (for the 2025-2026 FAFSA cycle, the application will be available by December 1, 2024)(Example: The 2024-2025 FAFSA is for Fall 24, Spring 25, Summer 25).

The only priority processing deadlines we have are for when you should submit verification documents (if selected). The dates for each term are located on the NEWS AND ALERTS webpage at: www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/news-and-alerts.

All required documents must be marked as ‘received’ prior to this date to be considered for priority packaging.

For assistance with applying for aid, please visit our website https://www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/ and view the FATV (library of all FA videos).

Q. I am not able to provide parent information on my FAFSA and do not meet the requirements to be independent. Do I qualify for a Dependency Status Review (Dependency Override)?
A. We understand that there may be situations when a student does not meet the federal financial aid requirements to be considered independent on the FAFSA and yet may not be able to provide parent information. These students may be considered on a case-by-case basis for a Dependency Status Review. Please note approval is not guaranteed.

You will need to submit the electronic Unusual Circumstances for Dependency Override found at www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/forms (Special Circumstances tab). You can also visit our forms website (www.broward.edu/studentforms) and click on the form; you will be routed to the form and may be required to log into BC One Access to complete.

Correspondence is sent directly from Dynamic Forms to the student/parent in order to communicate the progress and what is needed to complete the process. The student MUST be sure to interact with the emails sent by Dynamic Forms in order to get a status on this request.

Q. My financial situation has changed. What can I do to see if I qualify for more financial assistance?
A. The Office of Financial Aid will consider Special Circumstances, which may affect your need, on a case-by-case basis and approval is not guaranteed. Reasons that may be considered for a Special Circumstances Review include loss of income due to layoff, disability, divorce, separation or loss of untaxed benefits.

If you feel you have an extreme situation that may allow for a Special Circumstances Reviewplease submit the appropriate electronic form(s): Special Circumstances for Income Adjustment or Request for Cost of Attendance Increase. The forms can be found at www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/forms (Special Circumstances tab)You can also visit our forms website (www.broward.edu/studentforms) and click on the form; you will be routed to the form and may be required to log into BC One Access to complete.

Correspondence is sent directly from Dynamic Forms to the student/parent in order to communicate the progress and what is needed to complete the process. The student MUST be sure to interact with the emails sent by Dynamic Forms in order to get a status on this request.

Q. How and when do I submit my verification documents?
Broward College has partnered with ProEducation Solutions to complete FAFSA Verification through their ProVerifier service.

  • Students selected for verification will still have Red Flags indicating what documentation is required.
  • If selected for verification, you will receive an email to your Broward College (BC) email address from verification@broward.edu with a link to the ProVerifier site.
  • Students will use Broward College credentials (Username and password) to log in to ProVerifier.
  • There, they will follow the steps provided to submit any missing documentation.
  • Students must continue to monitor their BC emails or the ProVerifier site to see if any further documentation is required.

Red Flags that will still be reviewed by the Financial Aid team on campus can be found on Dynamic Forms here. You will be routed to the form and may require logging into BC One Access to complete.

  • Please note, if you successfully submit an electronic form with an electronic signature, do not submit a copy of the same form at any Financial Aid Office via email or in person.
  • If you are asked to complete the Identity and Educational Purpose Statement, you must print the form. Then, do one (1) of two (2) things:
    • If you live near a campus: They need to bring the form into the Financial Aid Office near them, along with photo ID.
    • If you do NOT live near a campus: They must get the form notarized and mail to: Attn: Student Financial Services, North Campus, 1000 Coconut Creek Blvd. Coconut Creek, FL 33066, Building 46 | Room 252
  • For assistance with resolving red flags, please see our “How to resolve red flags video“.

Once ALL verification documents have been completed by the student, the processing timeline is within 8 business days. If additional documentation is needed, students will be alerted via their Broward College email. If nothing further is needed (Verification is complete), the Red Flags will be removed from myBC within 2 business days.

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