Summer Aid FAQs

Q. How do I apply for summer aid?
You do not need to submit a new FAFSA to receive aid in the summer if you already have one on file from Fall and Spring.

Students who were enrolled Full-Time in the Fall and Springmust be enrolled for at least 6 credits in the Summer term to receive a Pell Grant. Students not enrolled full time in the Fall and Spring do not have to be enrolled in 6 credits for Summer term to receive a Pell Grant.

*Note: For the 24-25 award year and beyond, there is no half-time summer enrollment requirement for Pell eligibility.

  • Summer Term Pell Grant Eligibility: The scheduled award for a Pell Grant is normally broken into two payments based on full-time enrollment. The student receives 50% of their scheduled award for the fall semester and the other 50% for the spring semester. If a student does not attend in a full-time status during either of these terms, they will not have received 100% of their scheduled award and will have funds remaining that can be disbursed during the summer term. Students who have attended full-time during both the fall and spring semester will have used 100% of their scheduled award and therefore, will only have Pell Grant eligibility remaining for the summer if they are enrolled at least half-time (see Year-Round Pell paragraph below). *Note: For the 24-25 award year and beyond, there is no half-time summer enrollment requirement for Pell eligibility. Pell Grant amounts used at other institutions during the award year will affect the amount of Pell Grant the student is eligible to receive at Broward College.
  • Year-Round Pell: Beginning with the 2017-2018 award year, the Department of Education has established what is called Year-Round Pell (YRP). This program allows a student to receive an additional 50% of their scheduled Pell Grant award. This means a student may receive a maximum of 150% of their scheduled Pell Grant award during the award year. For the student to receive any of the additional 50%, they must be enrolled at least half-time in the term to which the additional funding will be applied (normally this is the summer term). *Note: For the 24-25 award year and beyond, there is no half-time summer enrollment requirement for Pell eligibility. The YRP regulation was created to help students have funding available for all terms during the award year and hopefully help the student graduate from their program quicker.
  • Loans:
    • Should you have questions about the awarding process on loans, see: How do I apply for loans?. You must be enrolled for at least credits to receive a Federal student loan.
    • If you would like to request a loan for the summler term only, or are only eligible for the loan in the summer, you must submit a Financial Aid Adjustment Form, available on the Financial Aid Forms page (Additional Forms tab). You should expect to be awarded within 7 days, and you do not need to accept the loan.
  • Grants:
    • Grants are money that does not have to be repaid. There are several grant options at www.broward.edu/admissions/financial-aid/grants. Please note, each grant may have their own eligibility criteria (such as credit hours, GPA, & renewal criteria). Most, if not all grants require completion of your FAFSA.Broward College does not offer the Florida Effective Access to Student Education (EASE) Grant (formerly known as the Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG)). We also do not currently offer the Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant.

      Should you have any questions (such as when award notifications are sent), please email us at scholarships@broward.edu.

Please note: state funds have certain restrictions for summer – Pell has restrictions for summer – Institutional is based on remaining funds for summer – Foundation scholarships are never awarded in summer.

Trailer schools: Summer is mainly a trailer for Broward College. (Example: The 2024-2025 FAFSA is for Fall 24, Spring 25, Summer 25).

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